81007 remembered

81007 rests at Northampton after a lively run on 1B08 Cobbler on January 23rd 1986

81007 was always a personal favourite of mine. Down at Leighton station on January 27th 1984 i was being congratulated for getting my last “fish” for haulage as she was allocated on 1B08 commuter.

1B08 1745 Euston – Northampton came into Leighton right time and we were surprised to see 2 “roarers” on the train. 81003 was leading a failed 81007! So 81003 was bashed and i had to wait until March 13th 1984 to get fish seven in the book, again on 1B08.

She was raked in regularly enough on Cobblers and overnights and on the evening March 31st 1989 she was hovering at Euston now in a battered condition body wise. However she backed on 1H20 the 1735 Euston – Manchester not a Cobbler. As the loco was on 910 miles i chinged out at huge expense for a single to Nuneaton to clear the old girl.

I think this train on Fridays was Mk i’s and 81007 screamed North at 100 mph plus in fine style. Some months later i read some rare positive “roarer” media coverage in Modern Railways i think. Roger Ford had been on board and commentated on the superb run on 81007 to Rugby where we arrived 6 early!

My last bash on 81007 was on August 27th 1989, 81007 had been out all that Bank Holiday weekend and finished up doing the 1525 Carlisle – Euston from Stockport after a drag via Man Vic. Unfortunately the driver on 81007 that evening was a rule book man and kept this flying fish at 80mph max most of the way. We were even overtaken by a 321 on a MK-Euston slow line service South of Bletchley!

During her busy late August spell, 81007 rests between turns at New St on August 27th 1989

81007 hung on a few weeks longer, working her last turn 1M23 up sleeper on October 12th 1989. The legend was stored at Crewe ED then moved to Coopers Metals, Sheffield for the final cut in January 1992.     RIP 81007

The legend on the doomed line at Crewe ED on October 16th 1990, A Steven Chapman phot revcd with thanks

Link to sample 1960/70 workings by E3008/81007

Link to sample 1980 workings by 81007 with a few phots in the sea of gen
