Anglia Day Ranger, Dec 8th 1982

Anglia Day Ranger, Dec 82    

Liverpool St Cambridge side was a sea of steam heat, even 31416 was steaming being a dual heat machine back then. At Cambridge the Anglia Day Ranger was purchased although we only ventured to a sunny Ely before returning South.

Steam heat 31, 37 and 47 power was all sampled with 4 winners making it an enjoyable day in Anglia.                       

                                                8/12/82 We – (winners in bold)

37110    1C57 0719 Cambridge-Liverpool St              

37044    1C55  0700 Cambridge-Liverpool St

47010    1P58 0835 Liverpool St-Kings Lynn

31416    1P60 0853 Liverpool St-Cambridge                                                                LS-BS

47584    1C01 0625 Norwich-Liverpool St

47585    1C07 0715 Yarmouth-Liverpool St

47085    1C61 0731 Ely-Liverpool St

37110    1P62 0935 Liverpool St-Cambridge

47158 arrives at Bishops Stortford with the 0944 Cambridge – Liverpool St

47158    1C65 0944 Cambridge-Liverpool St

37044    2P64 1005 Liverpool St-Cambridge                                                                BS-CA

31102    1C71 1144 Cambridge-Liverpool St

37079, 37087 and 37163 stabled at the South End of Cambridge station

37075 on a freight in the then extensive freight yard East of Cambridge station

47085 “Mammoth” was always a favourite being the only Eastern namer in the batch of Western namers that included 47076 – 47090. 47085 is at Ely with the 1035 Liverpool St – Kings Lynn

47085    1P66 1035 Liverpool St-Kings Lynn                                               CA-EL

47010    1C73 1135 Kings Lynn – Liverpool St                                             EL-CA

A work weary 08100 stabled at Ely, this 08 survived until being cut at Doncaster Works in Aug 85

37052    1P68 1105 Liverpool St- Cambridge

37044    1244 Cambridge-Liverpool St

37052    1344 Cambridge-Liverpool St

31312    2P70 1205 Liverpool St- Cambridge

47158    1P72 1235 Liverpool St-Kings Lynn

47102 leaves Cambridge yard with an up freight

Plenty freight at Cambridge that December day, 37199 is on down oils

31312-   2C81 1444 Cambridge-Liverpool St

31185    1P74 1305 Liverpool St-Cambridge

47085    1C79 1335 Kings Lynn-Liverpool St

31185    1C83 1534 Cambridge-Liverpool St                                               CA-BS

37038    2P76 1405 Liverpool St – Cambridge

37047    1P78 1435 Liverpool St-Kings Lynn

37050    2C85 1610 Cambridge-Liverpool St

47010    1P80 1505 Liverpool St-Cambridge

37044    2P84 1605 Liverpool St-Cambridge

31102    1P50 1654 Liverpool St-Ipswich                                                      BS-CA

47158    1C87 1600 Kings Lynn-Liverpool St

37047    1C95 1730 Kings Lynn-Liverpool St                                               CA-LS

37038    2C97 1852 Cambridge-Liverpool St

47085    1P88 1705 Liverpool St-Cambridge

86007    1S05 2055 Euston-Inverness

86323    1S06 2100 Euston-Stranraer
