Driver Phil a tribute

“Driver Phil” a tribute

Tuesday July 19th 2022 saw the sad news that “Driver Phil” Phil Shatford from Bedford finally lost his courageous battle with cancer.

Phil was very much one of our local team enjoying trips to preserved lines and chasing locos on the big railway. He remained very much part of the railway community after retiring from Bedford depot as a driver in 2017 (after almost 39 years service). His long spell at Bedford came after driving duties from Cricklewood (1978-80’s), transferring to St Pancras when CW shut in early 80’s. He later transferred to Marylebone late 80’s until 1990 when he moved to Bedford.

He loved to reminisce about driving on BR when the railway was full of characters, rule benders and proper trains. You could write a book about his Northfleet MGR turns whilst a Cricklewood second man/driver.

On the Sunday just before he died when his close friend Ian Saunders visited him despite his frail condition he was still asking about what was out at the Wellinborough bus rally the day before!

Phil was a true gentleman to all and will be much missed, our feelings go to his wife and family it must be especially tough for them.

RIP Phil, the railway wont be the same without you mate…