The one way Wizzo, April 14th 2024

A popular and enjoyable Maybach thrash from Paddington to Birmingham New Sr with 13 coffins in tow via Oxford and Coventry. 57303 the tail engine worked the tour from Bescot to New St.

The ching was £69 for this jointly organised Pathfinder /UK railtour venture, good to see many old faces for the first time in years. The highlight was probably 1015 clagging and thrashing through Bir Int’l after a peg cleared. Passing the ped on the GWR Didcot shuttle also raised a cheer! Being a test run speeds were maintained at a steady 75mph throughout with fast line running out of Padd (due slow line closure) as far as Slough East.

1015 at Padd, having run light engine from Kidder now prior to the tours 1350 departure time

57303’s idling GM’s were echoing impressively round Paddington’s concourse

A 50 minute photostop at Banbury allowed a leg strech and a good few phots of Champion in bright weather.
